A friendly guide to find your passion

“Don’t look for the best career option, Just follow your passion”

Recollect your childhood memories. When you were a kid, You were doing things just because you liked it. If you played with the sand or clay and get dirty, you didn’t feel guilty about that. Because you liked it. you did it. While you were playing hide and seek, you suddenly switched to playing cricket with friends just because you liked it.

During our childhood, we were ready to try and switch to new things and no guilt at all. We cared only about our happiness and our likes and not feeling guilty over our past decisions. Can we go back to our childhood? Maybe that will help you to find your passion.

You tried everything with your curiosity. You did everything for you and not because for someone. Nowadays, you started living for others. When you are thinking about a passion which is not an engineer or a doctor, so many unanswered questions will start occupying your mind.

  • What if I couldn’t succeed
  • What if I couldn’t earn money with this
  • What if my parents don’t get convinced
  • What if none of my friends chose this
  • What if my neighbours or relatives don’t like it

Do you really have those 4 & 5 what if in your mind? Just ignore them

Change those what if to how to. Maybe you will get answers to your questions.

  • How to get succeed in this?
  • How to earn money with this?
  • How to convince my parents?

Now, you can get answers to your questions.

Someone: I don’t know what to do with life. I don’t know my passion
Me: Really! You are lying. You already found it

Everyone knows their passion and they are ignoring it for some random reasons like

  • it is not realistic
  • it won’t help me to earn money
  • it is just my hobby not a career option

We like to do something in our lives and we are doing it already as a hobby or we are longing to do it when we get time. It might be cooking, talking to people, reading books… It can be anything which you love. You can make money out of your daily hobbies or habits. For example,

  • if you love cooking, consider selling it as home food
  • if you love dancing, teach them who are interested
  • if you love writing, write a book or blog
  • if you love reading, read a book and write a review

We can make money out of anything with our creativity and our efforts. Plenty of opportunities are there to get succeed. Only thing is to choose the right option which you love to do

Passion is not made in heaven and not anything specifically designed for you. It is just built by you for your happiness.

Then what is the point of being so afraid to give it a try? Instead of doing your boring work which helps you to earn money but not happiness, just give a thought on switching to your passion.

Well! following a passion will take time to get succeed. You don’t need to quit the job in between this. Do it in your free time. Once you are confident that this is the best career option for you and you can succeed, make a jump. you won’t regret.

9-5 jobs are not the only ones which are worth to be considered as your passion. Come out of your comfort zone. Be ready to fight for what you want. You will be happy because you are doing it just because you like it not because it gives you money.

A child who walks into a park doesn’t think too much for finding which is the best to enjoy this time. She will just enter into the park, do whatever she likes and she enjoys it.

Start enjoying your life like a child and be matured when making decisions. Congratulations, you will succeed in your passion and in your life too…

We will soon meet in the next article. Bye till then…

Stay Happy!! Stay Awesome!!


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